Jeg har samlet noen gode artikler jeg har lest om 22/7 i internasjonal presse. Kan hende andre også kan ha interesse av å lese dette, så her kommer et utvalg:
23. juli:
Blaming Muslims – yet again — Intervju med Ali Esbati — Al Jazeera
Norway attacks: Norway’s tragedy must shake Europe into acting on extremism — Aslak Sira Myhre skriver for The Guardian
25. juli:
An indictment of social integration? — Al Jazeera
Anders Breivik and the English Defence League — The New Yorker
We ask to what extent the Norway attacks were motivated by anger over immigration. — Al Jazeera
Blogging Hate: Anders Breivik’s Roots in Right-Wing Populism — Der Spiegel
26. juli:
Eyewitness to Norwegian Massacre: Survivor Recalls Attack at Island Youth Camp — Ali Esbati intervjuet hos Democracy Now
The Big Picture : The Norway Attacks — The Boston Globe
The Trail of Evil: Can Europe’s Populists Be Blamed for Anders Breivik’s Crusade? – Spiegel International
8. august:
Why let facts ruin the story? — Magnus Nome skriver for OpenDemocracy
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