LO Norway wants to find joint and simplified digital systems that can easily be used by partner field staff, partner project staff and LO staff to simpler, faster, more cost-effective ways of sharing information and data between partner field offices, central offices and LO, analyze key data to make evidence-based decisions and strategic planning, and improve the overall project and program follow up.

Needs and objectives

LO will over the next years’ work to enhance its ability to assess and demonstrate impact, use results to drive decisions, strategy, change, and advocacy, continuously learn and innovate. LO is therefore searching for a provider of user-friendly and cost-efficient digital monitoring where LO can monitor projects with partner organization and partner organizations can monitor with their affiliates, and share information with LO and partners leadership, donors and stakeholders not directly involved in the projects. Digital monitoring tools, systems and structures will be used by LO and partners for the remaining time of the current program period and in the development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and learning in future programs.  

Key objectives: 

  • Improve (real time) data flow between LO and partners 
  • Enhance learning across LO and partner organizations
  • Streamline routines and gradually reduce time and costs in project and program follow-up
  • Enhance and make LO’s communication, between stakeholders involved in the projects and programs and externally, more efficient.  

These objectives answers to three specific digital monitoring and project components:

  1. data collection and management
  2. data analysis and visualization
  3. project and program management

LO International Department invites interested suppliers with capacity and competence to provide for one or more of the above stated components to provide information regarding their solutions.

Information submission

Interested suppliers are invited to submit information according to the detailed Call for Interest (link below), including:

  1. A company profile including 
    1. Brief history/background 
    2. Description of competencies and capacity 
    3. Ownership and governance structure 
    4. Financial key figures, reports for last 3 years 
    5. Company ethical guidelines and/or code of conduct 
  2. Filling out the attached information form (link below) answering specific questions regarding: 
    1. The supplier and their systems and tools as stated above in attached form  
    2. Budget and cost frames based on the requitements stated above 
    3. Suggestion for implementation based on the information stated above, including methodology and work plan for performing the assignment 
    4. A simple risk analysis based upon the above technical and operational requirements, and suggested mitigation measures 

Deadline to submit information: October 11, 2021

Information documents in both PDF and an editable MS Office format can be sent to Ida Fagervold, ida.fagervold@lo.no . Any questions regarding this call for information can be directed to the same email address. Please mark your inquiry or submission of information with “Digital monitoring solution”.

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